Sunday, July 31, 2011

1 week of freedom left

So school starts in 1 WEEK!  I cannot believe it.  All last week I worked in my classroom.  I'm almost done and just need to make copies of first week of school papers. I'm so excited about my homeroom and can't wait to meet all my new 2nd graders. So here is some fun and exciting things that have been going on in my life:

1) I went to my baby cousin Sawyers 1st b-day party!  It was such a cute farm theme and he is growing up so fast.
The b-day boy

Farm animal cupcakes

2) Rob is in Atlanta training with the Falcons! He is working like crazy so I don't get to talk to him to much, but he is doing great. He is such an amazing guy! Even though he is super busy he calls at least once everyday! :)  I can't wait to go visit him and maybe watch him play.  I might go August 12th or Sept. 1st or both! HAHA I can already tell I am going to use all my vacation days and some this year!

3) I am obsessed with the Glenwood Village Tea Room. (Click on the link to visit their website)  I went there Friday with my grandmother and Mrs. Sandra.  It was so good and I always enjoy catching up with them. Everyone should def check it out!

4) So this week I will be working at school, but I am going to try to plan in a manicure, massage, and catch up time with Megan and Bentley, and go see the newest addition to my friends children Miss Isabella Grace! I went to see her in the hospital and she is super cute and so small.  I can't wait to see her and Brittany outside the hospital!

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