Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Where is my Christmas break?

Hey Hey everyone!

So I have been out of school for a week and a half!............. It feels like a day. I can't believe I go back next Tuesday.  HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE???

Well as most people know I went to San Diego to go see the most amazing football team play in the Poinsettia Bowl!! Tech TeCh TECH all the way!!! I absolutely loved every minute I was at LA Tech, and thankfully my family is Tech Fans as well.  So they totally did not mind that the second Abby and I found out Tech was going to a bowl game we were asking for tickets and trip out there (Can you blame us??)

After we got back from San Diego it was time to celebrate the birthday of the most Amazing person ever! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!!

We went to Christmas Eve candlelight service, which is probably the one thing I look forward to the most about Christmas.  It is indescribable how serene and touching the candlelight service is. It is my favorite!!!

So of course after candlelight......SANTA COMES!!!   YES Santa still comes and visits the Hill girls.  According to my mom, he will NEVER stop coming. So when we wake up Christmas morning there are presents laid out in our living room.  I'm defiantly not complaining. This Christmas for me was  GIFT CARDS GALORE!!! My Christmas list consisted of 4 items:

1. Anthropologie corduroy skinny jeans.
2. A Lenny & Eva bracelet
4. TO GRADUATE ASAP (Can May get here any sooner??)

I mean how easy is that list to shop for??? So needless to say I got my gift cards and a few extra surprises :)

So now I have spent the WHOLE day working on this portfolio that is due the 30th!  This portfolio replaces Comps, but I am hear to tell you give me the test ANYDAY!! Even better I have a 2nd portfolio due the 13th......So my life and break are slowly slipping away for the next few weeks.

One thing is for sure, I am slipping in a few hours of reading time.  I have become addicted to the Hunger Games book.  I know this is an old craze and everyone has read the books but I have been beyond busy.  So this hidden gem has just been stored on my Kindle (along with the million others I don't have time to read).  So on my flight back I started reading the first book of the series.  I could not put it down.  I read by cell phone light in the backseat of the car on the way home from the airport. YES, it is that good.  So I am dying to find out what happens next! Reading the last 2 books will get accomplished BEFORE I go back to work....guaranteed!!

Until next time.........


Here are a few pics from the past month or so........

                         Rob Graduated

We had Thanksgiving

Went to Baton Rouge to see Mrs. Barbar in her dancing showcase! So fun.

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