Sunday, August 3, 2014

Candyland Classroom

Well, my mother is going back in the classroom. It may come as a surprise to few, but what the REAL surprise for me is that she's going to be teaching 2nd grade!

I always knew she loved that grade and growing up she would always comment, "Second grade is the best grade. That's my favorite grade to teach."  I on the other hand thought, "OK, yeah right mom! You've been teaching Junior high for so long, that must be your real love." 

BUT low and behold her dreams/prayers have finally come true and she is back in the wonderful land of lower elementary teaching 2nd grade. :) 

So with this new found teaching opportunity, we have had to work our "Hill/McGill" teacher magic and come up with an outstanding classroom that's decorated top notch! 

Now all the theme credit goes to my fabulous sis, Abby! (and Pinterest of course). She couldn't have picked a better theme to get those 2nd graders ready to walk in a room and learn-CANDYLAND! 

I'll take full credit for the manual labor part of this project along with Abby! Mom, well I love you, but I think the decorating was just too much for ya and socializing up and down the hall didn't help, SO Abby and I get all the glory for this job! LOL

At last I present to you: Candyland

Now there are a few things left to do, but overall I think it's coming together very "sug-cessfully!"

Now, on to enjoy my last few hours of summer before the 2014-2015 school year begins in the A.M........Ready to score a touchdown year with my RES teachers! 

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